Rightmove launching biggest-ever marketing campaign - no news on fees

Rightmove says it’s to launch its biggest ever national marketing campaign in a bid to kick-start the market once lockdown eases.

The news comes in a 10-point plan from the portal, sent to all of its agent members this morning.

No comment is made in the plan about future fees but commercial director Miles Shipside says: “We recognise that agents will have a difficult period after existing pipelines complete. While we’re only five weeks into our four-month 75 per cent discount, we’re closely monitoring the situation as we’re profoundly aware that our customers’ revenue growth is critical to the way we all move forward in these uncertain times … We’d like to thank all of you that have been speaking to us about your hopes and fears for the market and how we as Rightmove can help you prepare for the future.”

Rightmove says each of the 10 points will be developed further with agents in the coming weeks.

The 10 points are:

– Special Relaunch Email Alerts to over two million home-hunters who have active alerts set up;

– A video strategy to promote leads and make “cost-saving efficiencies in order to cut the number of unsuccessful physical viewings”;

– Re-assuring home movers that viewing is safe – the portal says it’s “working with government to use Rightmove’s unparalleled reach to educate buyers, sellers, and tenants to feel confident”;

– Sharing early local sales demand indicators with agents;

– Faster qualification of tenant leads;

– Detailed analysis of the source of leads that result in a sale or a let;

– An “introductory rate” with external suppliers Moneypenny and Viewber;

– Training for the new normal and social distancing through webinars;

– Biggest ever national marketing campaign “using the strength of our brand and investing in our biggest ever national advertising campaign”;

– And a new property details page which will offer more focus on agents’ brands, photos and video content.

Shipside tells agents: “We’ll play our part in helping you to get the market in your area moving again, and to do that more innovatively and efficiently. More detail on these actions will be published with time for you to take full advantage of them. Many of these actions are inspired by your comments to us, so please keep making suggestions on what will help you most.”

