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Northampton Property Prices


Northampton Property Prices

An overview of property prices in Northampton

The average property price in Northampton postcode area is £275k. The average price increased by £13.8k (5%) over the last twelve months. The price of an established property is £274k. The price of a newly built property is £306k. There were 9.8k property sales and sales increased by 1.3% (139 transactions). Most properties were sold in the £150k-£200k price range with 2197 (22.4%) properties sold, followed by £200k-£250k price range with 2171 (22.1%) properties sold.


February 2021 – January 2022

Northampton postcode area

England and Wales


average property price


average property price


average price percentage change


average price percentage change


average price change


average price change

Northampton house prices map

This price map shows the average property price in a given postcode sector between February 2021 – January 2022. The most affordable place was ‘NN1 2’ with the average price of £148k. The most expensive place was ‘NN11 5’, £520k.

Northampton house prices compared to other areas

Comparison of the average property price and an average price percentage change by postcode area. Price % change compares the average property price between February 2021 – January 2022 to the average price in the previous 12 months. The size of the circle shows the number of property transactions. The bigger the circle the higher the sales volumes in postcode area.

Northampton house price rank

With the average price of £275k, Northampton is the 45. cheapest postcode area out of 105 England and Wales’ postcode areas.

Northampton property sales share by price range

shows a number of properties sold in a given price range between February 2021 – January 2022.


Property price range Market share Sales volumes
 under £50k 0.1% 9
 £50k-£100k 2.1% 207
 £100k-£150k 9.3% 915
 £150k-£200k 22.4% 2.2k
 £200k-£250k 22.1% 2.2k
 £250k-£300k 16.0% 1.6k
 £300k-£400k 14.8% 1.5k
 £400k-£500k 6.8% 666
 £500k-£750k 4.8% 471
 £750k-£1M 1.1% 111
 over £1M 0.5% 47


If you would like a free market appraisal and wish to know more about our unique discreet marketing, contact Northamptonshire Luxury Homes via the contact form below.

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The top ten most expensive streets in Northampton

The top ten most expensive streets in Northampton

The top ten most expensive streets in Northampton

Each of the properties seen here make the average Northampton house price of £295,397 look small

Northampton’ s ten priciest streets to buy a home on have been revealed after home sales specialists Property Solvers compared the numbers.

Looking at streets that have sold three or more properties since 2016, the company tracked average sold price data from HM Land Registry to see where the highest and lowest-priced homes are located across the NN1, NN2, NN3, NN4, NN5, NN6 and NN7 areas.

After Mojo Mortgages’ data revealed that Northampton is in the top 50 least affordable places for first-time home buyers, this new data shows the heights that some properties’ prices have risen to.

Golf Lane, Mears Ashby Road and Rugby Road took up gold, silver and bronze respectively. But individual properties also stood out.

Commenting on the data, Property Solvers co-founder Ruban Selvanayagam said: “To keep the data less skewed, we only ranked the streets that had over three sales.

“It’s therefore worth noting that, in recent years, a property on Welford Road (NN6) sold for £1,750,000 and, at the other end of the market, there were properties that sold for £72,500 and under on Nethermead Court (NN3), Harlestone Road (NN5) and St. Lawrence Court (NN6).”

Read on for the full rankings and prices of Northampton’s most expensive streets.

1. Golf Lane, Church Brampton, NN6

Coming in with an average sale price of £1,277,500 across four houses sold, Golf Lane only just nabbed the top spot, with two other contenders not far behind. The lane feeds on to Northamptonshire County Golf Club and sits just south of Brampton Stables.

2. Mears Ashby Road, Earls Barton, NN6

Taking second place with three houses sold at an average price of £1,125,000, this road was just narrowly pipped to the post by Northampton’s leading lane. Sitting just outside of Earls Barton, each property has an unlimited view of the large fields in front of them, as well as close connections to the town.

3. Rugby Road, Harleston, NN7

In third place comes Rugby Road, after selling three houses for an average of £1,100,000. The road connects into Kilsby and runs parallel with the M45. It also sits just south of the Royal Mail’s National Distribution Centre

4. North Street, Mears Ashby, NN6

Coming in fourth with an average sales price of £1,038,333 across three houses sold, North Street sits South East of Sywell Aviation Museum. It is also within a stone’s throw of the Whichwood Cat Hotel.

5. Sandy Lane, Church Brampton, NN6

Featuring as the Church Brampton area’s second appearance in Northampton’s most expensive properties, Sandy Lane’s houses cost an average of £1,008,750 across four houses sold. The street runs to the north and west of Northamptonshire County Golf Club.

6. Turnberry Lane, Collingtree, NN4

At an average £920,160 split across five houses sold, Turnberry Lane is the first in the rankings to fall a bit below the £1 million price tag. The land leads right on to Collingtree Park Golf Club and sits just south of Far Cotton.

7. Church Road, Spratton, NN6

With four properties sold at an average of £897,500, Church Road runs alongside St Andrew’s Church and lies to the West of Brixworth across many rolling fields

8. Moulton Lane, Boughton, NN2

Costing and average of £887,833 across three houses sold, Moulton lane is wrapped in large, open fields. One end leads to a popular English Heritage site, being the ruins of St. John’s Church, while the other meets Boughton Primary School.

9. Foxhill Road, West Haddon, NN6

Pulling in an average of £875,432 across three houses sold, Foxhill Road begins just outside of West Haddon proper and sits due north on Long Buckby, to which the road leads directly.

10. Church Hill, Ravensthorpe, NN6

Taking up tenth position at an average cost of £867,500 between three properties sold, Church Hill is yet another street sharing space with a church, this time St Denys’, and sits not far from Cotton Manor Gardens and just to the northeast from Long Buckby

If you would like a free market appraisal and wish to know more about our unique discreet marketing, contact Northamptonshire Luxury Homes via the contact form below.

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Northampton named in top 5 UK property demand hotspots

Northampton named in top 5 UK property demand hotspots

Northampton named in top 5 UK property demand hotspots

Northampton has been named in the top five UK National Hotspots Index for the last quarter.

The latest Property Hotspots Index, produced by, records the change in supply and demand for the most populated locations across the UK, by monitoring the total number of properties sold in comparison to those on sale.

The latest research found that national property demand has increased by +3% overall since Q1, now at 40%. But it’s not good news for homeowners in the capital, with demand in London as a whole down -2% to 39%.

Despite demand cooling across the capital, the London Borough of Bexley remains the hottest spot in the UK for property demand. At 71%, demand for property in Bexley is the highest across the UK, although it has cooled by -7% since the start of the year in line with the decrease felt across the capital as a whole.

Bristol is still the hottest spot outside of the London bubble, with demand increased, albeit marginally, to 69%. Nearby Bedford (67%) also retains its place as the third hottest spot in the UK as commuter zones around the peripherals of the London bubble continue to grow in popularity, due to the inflated price of homeownership in the capital.

And Northampton has seen the biggest percentage rise in demand (up 10%) in the entire country, climbing to joint fourth hottest spot in the UK with Aylesbury on 64%.

Northampton replaced nearby Milton Keynes (15th) in the top.

Founder and CEO of, Russell Quirk, said Brexit scaremongering has not been justified.

“National demand is still lower than the levels seen at the back end of last year and the big decider on which way it goes now will be Britain’s choice to leave the EU,” he said

“There has been a lot of talk about the consequence of this vote on the UK property market with many forecasting a detrimental impact on house prices.

“We don’t believe this to be the case and I’m certain that come Q3, our index will show a further increase in property demand across the nation.”