Northampton Property Prices
An overview of property prices in Northampton
The average property price in Northampton postcode area is £275k. The average price increased by £13.8k (5%) over the last twelve months. The price of an established property is £274k. The price of a newly built property is £306k. There were 9.8k property sales and sales increased by 1.3% (139 transactions). Most properties were sold in the £150k-£200k price range with 2197 (22.4%) properties sold, followed by £200k-£250k price range with 2171 (22.1%) properties sold.
February 2021 – January 2022
Northampton postcode area |
England and Wales |
£275kaverage property price |
£343kaverage property price |
5%average price percentage change |
7%average price percentage change |
£13.8kaverage price change |
£21.1kaverage price change |
Northampton house prices map
This price map shows the average property price in a given postcode sector between February 2021 – January 2022. The most affordable place was ‘NN1 2’ with the average price of £148k. The most expensive place was ‘NN11 5’, £520k.
Northampton house prices compared to other areas
Comparison of the average property price and an average price percentage change by postcode area. Price % change compares the average property price between February 2021 – January 2022 to the average price in the previous 12 months. The size of the circle shows the number of property transactions. The bigger the circle the higher the sales volumes in postcode area.
Northampton house price rank
With the average price of £275k, Northampton is the 45. cheapest postcode area out of 105 England and Wales’ postcode areas.
Northampton property sales share by price range
shows a number of properties sold in a given price range between February 2021 – January 2022.
Property price range | Market share | Sales volumes |
█ under £50k | 0.1% | 9 |
█ £50k-£100k | 2.1% | 207 |
█ £100k-£150k | 9.3% | 915 |
█ £150k-£200k | 22.4% | 2.2k |
█ £200k-£250k | 22.1% | 2.2k |
█ £250k-£300k | 16.0% | 1.6k |
█ £300k-£400k | 14.8% | 1.5k |
█ £400k-£500k | 6.8% | 666 |
█ £500k-£750k | 4.8% | 471 |
█ £750k-£1M | 1.1% | 111 |
█ over £1M | 0.5% | 47 |
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