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Man who sublet hundreds of properties to criminal gangs jailed

Man who sublet hundreds of properties to criminal gangs jailed A man who rented hundreds of properties that he sub-let to criminal gangs running brothels and cannabis farms has been jailed for seven years and four months.

Chinese national Feng Xu used several fake identities to secure accommodation, according to the National Crime Agency (NCA).

Feng was arrested in Birmingham in May as part of a major investigation into modern slavery and human trafficking.

He had previously admitted 22 fraud, false identity and money laundering offences at Birmingham Crown Court.

The 43-year-old was described by investigarors as a “prolific operator” and an “important enabler” for different criminal networks involved in prostitution, drug production and housing illegal immigrants.

Feng, who ran his network for more than three years at his home in Birmingham, paid out more than £4m in rent.

One computer database listed 446 different addresses that Feng had been involved in renting, investigators said.

Matt Rivers, branch commander at the NCA, commented: “Using numerous false identities and false documentation he was able to supply hundreds of different properties across the UK.

“We believe that taking him out will have caused significant disruption to a number of different organised crime groups involved in sex trafficking and drug production.”

Feng, who has lived in the UK illegally for almost 20 years, will face deportation after serving his sentence.

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Despite tax and regulatory changes ‘there is still money to be made in the PRS’

Despite tax and regulatory changes ‘there is still money to be made in the PRS’ With savers receiving poor returns from banks and building societies, thousands of people unsurprisingly continue to turn to residential property as a means of supplementing their income, supported by record-low mortgage borrowing rates, growing demand from renters and stable yields, as buy-to-let consolidates itself as the investment of choice for many investors.

Despite a challenging time for the market, characterised by tax and regulatory changes, investment in buy-to-let continues to outperform most major asset classes, as demand for properties in the private rental sector continues to grow.

David Alexander, joint managing director of apropos by DJ Alexander Ltd, said: “There is still money to be made in the private rented sector and being a landlord can provide a reasonable income and a healthy pension. But landlords need to be more savvy to make it work and much more pro-active than in the past.”

“You must ensure your finances are arranged as efficiently as possible, that your costs are reduced to the minimum, and that your margins are as good as they can be.”

Rents in the UK’s private rented sector are rising, with the latest data from HomeLet revealing that they reached £953 per calendar month (pcm) in October, up 2.7% year-on-year.

All 12 of the regions monitored by HomeLet showed an increase in rental values between October 2018 and the corresponding month this year.

Meanwhile, according to the latest mortgage lending figures, the number of new BTL loans achieved its second highest figure for the year in October 2019 at 6,600 while the value of these loans equalled the highest for the year.

BTL remortgaging was at the second highest level for the year in October 2019 at 6,600 and matched the highest monthly value of the year.

The number of BTL mortgages in arrears has dropped by 5% in the third quarter compared to the same quarter in 2018 and the total number accounts for just 0.23% of all BTL mortgages outstanding.

Alexander continued: “Being a landlord has never been more difficult but like all businesses the best people will understand the need for flexibility and be ready to change to meet the circumstances. It is inevitable that there will be change and you must make your business model to match the market.

“There may be some casualties along the way but BTL remains a profitable and viable investment for those who adapt and thrive in a changing market.”

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You and your tenants need to be vigilant over the Christmas period

You and your tenants need to be vigilant over the Christmas periodThe Christmas season is upon us and there is a good chance that your tenants may be going away, leaving your property empty and therefore vulnerable.

To help ensure that your property remains protected, there are a number of measures that you and your tenants could take to keep your property safe while the occupants are away.

As the landlord, you should advise their tenants to check the functionality of locks, not only on main doors and windows, but also on sheds and garages, as bikes are often the number one choice for festive felons.

Tenants should also be told to ensure that valuables are kept out of sight so that they are not actively advertising the property to burglars.

You or your tenants may wish to consider installing timers for lights and lamps so that it looks like someone is at home.

It may also be wise to ask your tenants if you or a representative can enter the property if their plan to be away for an extended period. That way, post can be taken in, curtains can be opened and closed, and a vehicle can be seen to be at the property.

To help alleviate any concerns you may have over the festive period, here are some tips that you may care to share with your tenants:

+ Keep valuables out of sight: Keep valuables out of sight such as laptops, televisions and car keys might just prove to be an incentive to an opportunist.

+ Lock all windows and doors: If you are sharing a house or a flat, make sure that the last person to leave does a quick check around the property to ensure that all windows and doors are locked.

+ Keep a light on: A cheap plug-in timer will turn lamps on and give the impression that somebody is home when your property is empty over the holiday.

+ Take down Christmas decorations: While it may make your house look a little cheerier, if your house is going to be vacant until after the New Year decorations may indicate to that the house is empty, so take down the decorations before you leave for Christmas.

+ Neighbourhood watch: If you are comfortable and friendly with your neighbours then inform them that you’re going away and how long for, and ask them to keep an eye on your property.

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Average rents increase 3.2% year-on-year – HomeLet

Average rents increase 3.2% year-on-year - HomeLetRents in the PRS continued to grow at a modest pace in November, the latest figures from HomeLet show.

The data reveals that the average rent in the UK hit £947 per calendar month (pcm) in November, up 3.2% year-on-year.

When London is excluded, the average rent in the UK is now £784pcm, while the average rent in the capital is now £1,665pcm.

All 12 of the regions monitored by HomeLet showed an increase in rental values between November 2019 and the corresponding month this year.

But all of the regions monitored by HomeLet saw a slight decrease from October 2019, with the exception of Wales and the North East which saw an increase of 1.1% and 0.4% respectively, and the East Midlands which remains unchanged.

The region with the largest year-on-year increase is Wales, showing a 5.2% rise between November 2018 and November 2019.




Region Nov-19 Nov-18 Annual Variation Oct-19 Monthly Variation
Wales £630 £599 5.2% £623 1.1%
Yorkshire & Humberside £652 £623 4.7% £653 -0.2%
Northern Ireland £667 £639 4.4% £672 -0.7%
Scotland £664 £635 4.6% £674 -1.5%
North East £540 £517 4.4% £538 0.4%
North West £721 £694 3.9% £727 -0.8%
Greater London £1,648 £1,597 3.2% £1,665 -1.0%
East Midlands £642 £625 2.7% £642 0.0%
South East £1,013 £989 2.4% £1,020 -0.7%
South West £838 £819 2.3% £840 -0.2%
East of England £917 £898 2.1% £924 -0.8%
West Midlands £701 £688 1.9% £706 -0.7%
UK £947 £918 3.2% £953 -0.6%
UK excluding Greater London £784 £760 3.2% £788 -0.5%
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Rents set to rise in 2020 as landlords continue to exit the PRS

Rents set to rise in 2020 as landlords continue to exit the PRS Rents look set to rise across much of the UK next year owed in part to a further increase in the number of landlords exiting the buy-to-let market as the impact of legislation continues to be felt, letting agents have predicted,

ARLA Propertymark asked its members to share their predictions for the private rented sector and found that more than four-fifths – 84% – of letting agents think rent prices will rise in 2020, up from 65% when agents were asked the same question last year, looking ahead to 2019.

The research also shows that the supply and demand gap looks set to widen next year, with more than three-fifths – 61% – of agents forecasting that demand will continue to rise, while almost seven in 10 – 68% – think the number of landlords operating in the PRS will decline next year, as they are driven out by rising costs.

In line with this, 68% expect landlords’ taxes to rise again.

David Cox, chief executive, ARLA Propertymark, commented: “For far too long, successive governments of all political persuasions have passed significant amounts of complex legislation for landlords. As a result, much of this year has dampened landlords’ appetites to invest and expand their portfolios, with many consolidating their assets, or choosing to step away from the sector altogether. This has impacted tenants most, who have restricted supply and have been faced with less choice and paying higher rents.

“Looking ahead to 2020, we hope the government recognises the importance of increasing supply for tenants and uses it as an opportunity to make the market more attractive for landlords. This will encourage more landlords back into the market as well as ensure that tenants, including those who are most vulnerable, are not at a disadvantage in being able to find a suitable and affordable home to rent.

“Change should make the PRS fairer for all involved, and not penalise those landlords who provide high quality, affordable housing for thousands of tenants.”

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Scrapping Section 21 is ‘another attack’ against BTL landlords

Scrapping Section 21 is ‘another attack’ against BTL landlords The Queen has announced the new government’s priorities for its coming term, and it includes a proposal to abolish Section 21 of the Housing Act and reforming the grounds for possession, as part of a new Renters’ Reform Bill, designed to “introduce a package of reforms to deliver a fairer and more effective rental market”.

But in the absence of any meaningful plan to boost the level of social housing in this country, the announcement confirming the abolition of Section 21 in yesterday’s Queens speech has been described by ARLA Propertymark as “another attack against the landlords who actually house the nation”.

The trade body’s chief executive, David Cox, said: “If Section 21 is scrapped, Section 8 must be reformed and a new specialist housing tribunal created. Without this, supply will almost certainly fall which will have the consequential effect of raising rents and will further discourage new landlords from investing in the sector.

“ARLA Propertymark will be engaging with the government to ensure they fully understand the consequences of any changes, and we will be scrutinising the legislation, to ensure landlords have the ability to regain their properties if needed.”

The government also plans to introduce a new scheme to permit tenants to transfer their tenancy deposits when they move properties.

The new Lifetime Deposit scheme will permit renters to transfer their deposit from one property to another instead of being left out of pocket for weeks while they wait to be reimbursed from their old landlord but have to spend money securing their new property.

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One in three landlords plan to sell in the next year

One in three landlords plan to sell in the next year The UK could be heading for a rental crisis, with experts dreading the prospect of a chronic property shortage in the PRS as more than a third of private landlords look to sell up in the next year in the face of lower profits, new research shows.

A wide-ranging study of 2,000 landlords by the Residential Landlords Association’s (RLA) research exchange, PEARL, has found that almost 34% of private landlords are looking to sell at least one property over the next 12 months.

The study also found that just 12% of landlords are looking to expand the number of homes they rent out, down from 14% a year ago.

Almost half of landlords – 45% – told the RLA that the 3% stamp duty surcharge on additional properties had been a deterrent to further investment in property.

The drop in housing supply comes at a time when the Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is warning that the demand for private rented homes is on the up.

The RLA is now calling on the government to scrap the stamp duty levy where landlords provide homes adding to the net supply of housing.

This should include developing new build properties, bringing empty homes back into use and converting larger properties into smaller, more affordable units of accommodation.

David Smith, policy director for the RLA, commented: “This is yet more clear evidence of the sell-off of private rented housing largely due to the government’s extra tax on new rental homes.

“It is ridiculous that when the country needs all the extra housing it can get, it penalises good landlords who invest in new homes.

“With a new government and a Budget due, we need a shift in policy to one that supports investment because otherwise there will be a growing supply crisis in the private rented sector as demand continues to rise.”

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Landlord handed banning order for putting tenants’ lives at risk

Landlord handed banning order for putting tenants' lives at riskA rogue landlord in Doncaster has been given a banning order for two-and-a-half years after repeatedly putting tenants’ lives at risk by providing unsafe housing.

Almas Rashid, 39, was banned by The Property Tribunal Service from letting any residential property in England and engaging in letting agency work or property management work for a period of two years and six months.

Doncaster Council took action against Rashid, of Thorne Road, Wheatley Hills, DN2, following a string of prosecutions earlier this year for breaching regulations, failing to comply with improvement notices and not obtaining a houses in multiple occupation (HMO) licence.

Rashid pleaded guilty to seven offences under the Housing Act 2004 and was ordered to pay £2,800 in total.

In addition, he also had to pay costs of £2,579.73 and a £40 victim surcharge.

Rashid’s ban will come into play from 14 February 2019, and if he breaches the banning order, penalties can include imprisonment for up to 51 weeks or a court fine – or both – or a civil financial penalty of up to £30,000.

The banning order is believed to be the first in the north of England and only the third achieved by a council since new legislation was introduced in April 2018.

Cllr Chris McGuinness, cabinet member for communities, the voluntary sector and environment, commented: “The granting of this banning order sends out a clear message to all rogue landlords that our housing enforcement team is at the cutting edge of enforcement.

“When tenants are put at risk through the actions or lack of action by a landlord, we will clamp down by using all the enforcement tools at our disposal.”

Cllr Glyn Jones, deputy mayor and cabinet member for housing and equalities, added: “We will take tough action against landlords who fail to comply with licensing rules as we are determined to drive up housing standards across the borough and improve health and safety for tenants.

“Good quality, safe housing is important for Doncaster residents and our communities.”

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Buy-to-let rates to fall

international rentals

The cost of fixed rate Brexit buy-to-let mortgages are set to fall now the Conservatives have been elected, according to online mortgage broker Property Master.

The monthly cost of fixed rate buy-to-let mortgages have fallen across all categories compared to the same time last December – in some instances by as much as £38 per month for the average mortgage.

But before last week’s Conservative victory this downward trend was stalling.

Angus Stewart, chief executive of Property Master, said: “Now that the uncertainty created by last week’s General Election has ended and as we appear to be moving more swiftly toward Brexit at the end of January, we believe there is every chance rates will fall still further.

“Firstly, the Conservative victory, even before it happened, strengthened the pound so removing one factor that could have encouraged the Bank of England to increase rates.

“Secondly, two members of the Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee voted for lower rates last time around which makes us think downward is more likely to be the next movement in the base rate. The stars are aligned for lower mortgage rates for hard-pressed landlords in the New Year.”

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Top UK regeneration hotspots unveiled

Top UK regeneration hotspots unveiledWhen it comes to investing in property, it pays to know about the latest property hotspots and up-and-coming areas whether you are buying-to-let or simply looking for capital growth.

Buying at the early stages of a long-term plan offers good potential for an increase in property values and solid rental returns. So where potentially are the best spots to invest for the long-term?

Research by Glide, broadband and utilities provider , has identified 10 areas where properties offer the potential for a regeneration price growth premium in addition to average values in the local area.

The company made a series of FOI requests to local councils in order to find the number of empty dwellings and commercial properties across the UK.

Collectively, across both categories of building, in the month of September 2019 there were 617,527 empty buildings across the UK.

Of those councils which held the information, Birmingham was revealed as the leading council area for the most potential space, with 8,086 residential properties and 7,622 commercial buildings in the city and its suburbs being empty.

Second is Liverpool, where 15,339 buildings are currently not occupied, while regions across the North dominate the top five, with Manchester, Leeds and Bradford also ranking highly.

Empty residential properties Empty commercial properties  Total
1 Birmingham City Council 8086 7622 15,708
2 Liverpool City Council 11073 4266 15,339
3 Manchester City Council 10531 4003 14,534
4 Leeds City Council 8331 4528 12,859
5 Bradford Metropolitan Council 2610 7908 10,518
6 Durham County Council 7330 1573 8,903
7 Bristol City Council 6403 1742 8,145
8 Cheshire West and Chester 5860 1897 7,757
9 Sheffield City Council 5063 2610 7,673
10 Cornwall Council 5795 1662 7,457

Jason Lloyd, head of residential at Glide, said: “The research has revealed the high number of empty properties and businesses across the UK, particularly across some of the major northern Council areas.

“But whilst it is troubling to see so much wasted residential and commercial space, it does represent a clear opportunity for developers, and hopefully this study will help prospective investors pinpoint where there is the most potential for growth.”