Trellows Bespoke Estate Agents


Find your dream home in Spain

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Daring modern architecture; amazing regional diversity; sophisticated cities; postcard beaches; fantastic weather; a sleepy countryside festooned with citrus and olive groves; delicious seafood, potato tortilla, tapas, and paella; delectable sangria, and choice rioja–all of this is Spain.

Remember: if you’ve only seen the Costas in Spain, then you can’t even imagine what you’ve been missing of the “real” España in the rest of the country. Tourism is very important to the Spanish economy, and those in the hospitality industry long ago settled on a homogenous tourist “package,” to suit the tastes of the annual sun-seekers, who continue to flock to the seaside resorts every year.

Despite the inherent problems that go hand in hand with tourism, Spanish people enjoy one of the best lifestyles and quality of life in Europe, or, indeed, in the world. Andalucia–considered to be the heart of Spain–is a case in point. Andaluz society is founded upon the primacy of the family and the community. The Spanish are known for their close family ties, their love of children, and their respect for the elderly.

Hospitality is an important tradition here, and one that has contributed greatly to the development and success of tourism infrastructure. Accommodation is plentiful, and competitively priced, if you care to shop around.

Additionally, traveling within the country is easy: international airports are dotted throughout, and connections are very frequent; buses are reasonable, and serve destinations all over Europe; trains are fast, though pricey, and also link countries throughout Europe. You can even take a ferry to the UK, and Morocco.

The climate here is very diverse. Around the Mediterranean, summers are hot and dry, while winters are mild, and occasionally wet. Summer in central Spain and along the southern Atlantic coast is hot and dry, but there can be snow and strong, cold winds in winter. The north and northwest tend to be wet and overcast, with warm, pleasant summers.

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